breenwood wrote in ihasatardis Aug 08, 2011 21:30
10th doctor era, one episode a day, 10 gridlock, character: brannigan, meme: a piano falls on you
freyja wrote in ihasatardis Jun 20, 2008 17:35
companion: leela, 10 silence in the library, 5th doctor, casting spoilers, 10 the doctor's daughter, 10 gitface, companion: k9, 10 impossible planet/satan pit, 10 love and monsters, 10 sontaran strategem / poison sky, 10 partners in crime, 10 shakespeare code, 10 42, 10 utopia/sod/lotl, 10 planet of the ood, character: brannigan, 10 blink, 10 unicorn and the wasp, 9 end of the world, 10 army of ghosts/doomsday, 10 human nature, character: the joneses, shopped
princesskraehe wrote in ihasatardis Aug 19, 2007 22:41
10 smith and jones, 2nd doctor, actor: paul mcgann, 5th doctor, 10 gridlock, character: john smith, !mod picks, 10 new earth, 10 shakespeare code, old skool, obvious drug references, 10th doctor, character: brannigan, companion: adric, 9 dalek, character: historical personages, 9 unquiet dead, actor: john barrowman, meme: tiemcock, 8th doctor, 10th doctor era, 10 daleks in manhattan/evolution, companion: rose, character: brannigan jr, xover: blackadder, 10 utopia/sod/lotl, 9th doctor era, 10 human nature/family of blood, 9th doctor, shakespeare in any form, companion: grace, master!simm, xover: monty python, lyrics
jedwardtremlett wrote in ihasatardis Jul 04, 2007 22:49
10th doctor, lyrics, character: brannigan
sam42 wrote in ihasatardis May 26, 2007 10:30
10th doctor era, 10 gridlock, 10th doctor, character: brannigan
coaldustcanary wrote in ihasatardis Apr 17, 2007 23:13
10th doctor era, 10 gridlock, 10th doctor, meme: it's a lion get in the car, character: brannigan